The reviews are in, and The Merchant of Venice is recommended! Playing through November 17th at The Buena Theater (4147 N Broadway), our production sets Shakespeare’s tale in 1938 Italy during the pre-World War 2 period of Racial Laws, where Italian Jews were disenfranchised and discriminated against during the rise of European Fascism. This concept sheds new light on a classic story of revenge, justice, and mercy.

Read the reviews here:

Chicago On Stage (Karen Topham) - Recommended

"...So how to react to such a production in a way that would do justice to its myriad strengths and all of the superb elements that have created it? On the one hand, I can readily exclaim that this is one of the finest productions of The Merchant of Venice that I can even imagine. Every aspect has been meticulously thought through and presented in order to highlight the beauty of Shakespeare’s language and the complications of this particular story. If I had a whole Christmas tree full of green lights, I could justifiably award them to Invictus."
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Buzz center stage (Bill Esler) - Recommended

"...In this Merchant of Venice, the language of Shakespeare is handled effectively, with Chuck Monro as Antonio, Martin Diaz-Valdes as Bassanio and Madeline Pell as Nerissa delivering compelling performances. Monro also brings a depth of emotion to his part."
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Third Coast Review (Nancy Bishop) - Recommended

"...Director Askenaizer has a strong cast and Badger and Pell are particularly appealing as Portia and Nerissa. Among the production crew, Satoe Schechner deserves special mention for the beautiful costumes designed for Portia and Nerissa. The men’s suits, tuxedos and uniforms are also well designed. Scenic design and props are by Kevin Rolfs, with lighting by Michael NJ Wright and sound design by Stefanie M. Senior."
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Stage and Cinema (Lawrence Bommer) - Recommended

"...The Merchant of Venice, a tragicomedy festering with anti-Semitism, remains the Bard’s most problematic play. But Shakespeare wrote it. Felt from all sides, there’s humanity to spare. Truth overcomes prejudice as an unparalleled observer distills the essential emotions behind every conflict."
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Chicago Theater and Arts (Reno Lovison) - Recommended

"..iIn the end, it is still left to the audience to decide and derive the meaning that makes most sense. Undoubtedly, Shakespeare saw his characters as complex and often flawed individuals. I like to think that he simply wanted us to ponder these questions for ourselves and perhaps consider that there is good and bad in everyone. That revenge, justice, and mercy are part of the human experience and we as humans can exercise some influence over how we treat one another."
Read Full Review (lainie petersen) - Recommended

" was fantastic…it reminds us that dystopias aren’t always recognizable by those who benefit from them"
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Purchase tickets here

The Merchant of Venice
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Charles Askenaizer
Assistant Director Morgan Massaro

Featuring Julia Badger, Joseph Beal, Brandon Boler, Martin Diaz-Valdes, Courtney Feiler, Jack Morsovillo, Chuck Munro, Madeline Pell, Erik Schiller, Joshua Seeger, Travis Shanahan, Mitchell Spencer, Glenn Thompson

Understudies: Ted Dayton, Keenan Odenkirk, Corrie Riedl, John Wilson, Carlo Zenner

Performances 10/21/19- 11/17/19 Thursday-Saturdays and Mondays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 3pm (No Performance Monday 11/4)

Purchase tickets here.